大đại 悲bi 咒chú 句cú 偈kệ
Great Compassion Mantra Verses
上thượng 宣tuyên 下hạ 化hóa 老lão 和hòa 尚thượng 講giảng 述thuật
by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
Mantra Illustrations
Thần Chú Xuất-Tượng
51. 婆ba 夜dạ 摩ma那na
跋bạt 折chiết 囉la 杵xử 鎮trấn 群quần 魔ma
The vajra pestle challenges the massive hordes of demons.
蓮liên 華hoa 數sổ 珠châu 念niệm 佛Phật 陀đà
Using lotus blossom recitations beads is mindful of Amitabha Buddha.
雷lôi 聲thanh 驚kinh 醒tỉnh 癡si 迷mê 者giả
The thundering sound startles awake the dull and confused.
夢mộng 覺giác 原nguyên 來lai 一nhất 字tự 多đa
Coming out of the dream, we find even one word too much.
52. 娑ta婆bà 訶ha
息tức 災tai 增tăng 福phước 妙diệu 吉cát 祥tường
Wondrous auspiciousness dispels disasters and increases blessings.
佛Phật 法pháp 僧Tăng 寶bảo 放phóng 毫hào 光quang
The Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha Jewels emit brilliant light.
觀quán 行hạnh 一nhất 心tâm 無vô 相tướng 禮lễ
Single-mindedly reflect and practice bowing that transcends appearances.
是thị 大đại 菩bồ 提đề 化hóa 萬vạn 方phương
Great Bodhi is what teaches and transforms beings everywhere.
53. 悉tất陀đà 夜dạ
美mỹ 妙diệu 相tướng 好hảo 莊trang 嚴nghiêm 身thân
How exquisite are his hallmarks and supremely subtle physical aspects!
通thông 達đạt 一nhất 切thiết 諸chư 法pháp 門môn
How thoroughly he fathomed and entered every Dharma door!
普phổ 度độ 有hữu 緣duyên 生sanh 極cực 樂lạc
He saves those with affinities, assuring them rebirth in Ultimate Bliss.
常thường 寂tịch 光quang 土độ 真chân 又hựu 真chân
The Land of Stillness and Light is the truth within the true.
54. 娑ta 婆bà 訶ha
恆hằng 河hà 沙sa 數số 諸chư 菩bồ 薩tát
Bodhisattvas many as grains of sand in the Ganges River,
聳tủng 立lập 鰲ngao 頭đầu 笑tiếu 哈ha 哈ha
Poised atop a sea tortoise, chuckle, “ Ho! Ho! ”
法pháp 海hải 汪uông 洋dương 無vô 不phủ 度độ
The abundant ocean of Dharma rescues absolutely everyone.
眾chúng 生sanh 與dữ 我ngã 離ly 自tự 他tha
All beings and I leave self and others behind.
55. 摩ma訶ha 悉tất 陀đà 夜dạ
放phóng 大đại 光quang 明minh 照chiếu 世thế 間gian
When the massive bright light he emits shines on the whole world,
胎thai 卵noãn 濕thấp 化hóa 離ly 倒đảo 懸huyền
Those born from wombs, eggs, transformations, or moisture no longer hang upside down.
九cửu 界giới 眾chúng 生sanh 成thành 正chánh 覺giác
Beings in the nine realms achieve Proper Enlightenment.
常thường 樂lạc 我ngã 淨tịnh 品phẩm 自tự 高cao
How lofty Eternity, Bliss, True Self, and Purity are!
56. 娑ta婆bà 訶ha
神thần 通thông 變biến 化hóa 屬thuộc 第đệ 一nhất
He is foremost in spiritual powers, as well as transformations and changes.
金kim 錫tích 杖trượng 救cứu 世thế 間gian 稀hy
Truly rare is his golden staff which saves those in the world.
地địa 獄ngục 眾chúng 生sanh 蒙mông 恩ân 受thọ
Beings in the hells all receive this rare kindness, and
離ly 諸chư 障chướng 難nạn 發phát 菩bồ 提đề
Are freed of obstacles and difficulties, resolving their mind on Bodhi.
57. 悉tất陀đà 喻du 藝nghệ
隨tùy 類loại 化hóa 現hiện 度độ 諸chư 天thiên
According with their kinds, he appears as various gods to rescue them.
同đồng 事sự 利lợi 行hành 接tiếp 有hữu 緣duyên
By joining in their work, doing good deeds, he attracts those with conditions.
捨xả 己kỷ 為vị 人nhân 真chân 無vô 我ngã
Ignoring himself for the sake of others, he is truly selfless.
誓thệ 願nguyện 眾chúng 生sanh 成thành 聖thánh 賢hiền
He vows that all beings will become worthy sages.
58. 室thất皤bàn 囉ra 耶dạ
菩bồ 薩tát 示thị 現hiện 天thiên 女nữ 身thân
This time around the Bodhisattva appears as a goddess,
因nhân 機cơ 逗đậu 教giáo 指chỉ 迷mê 津tân
Bestowing the teaching for those who are ready and guiding the confused.
循tuần 循tuần 善thiện 誘dụ 誨hối 不bất 倦quyện
With gradual, gentle, and wholesome enticements, she instructs tirelessly.
慈từ 悲bi 平bình 等đẳng 攝nhiếp 群quần 生sanh
Her kindness and compassion are fair and equal in gathering in beings.
59. 娑ta婆bà 訶ha
消tiêu 災tai 免miễn 難nạn 除trừ 病bệnh 魔ma
Dispelling disasters and difficulties, purging demons of sickness-
寶bảo 鉢bát 妙diệu 用dụng 不bất 可khả 說thuyết
The wonderful functions of the Jeweled Bowl are quite inexpressible.
遂toại 心tâm 滿mãn 願nguyện 施thí 無vô 畏úy
Fulfilling every wish we have, he bestows fearlessness.
揭yết 諦đế 揭yết 諦đế 娑ta 婆bà 訶ha
Gate, gate, swo pe he
60. 那na囉ra 謹cẩn 墀trì
微vi 塵trần 相tướng 海hải 無vô 量lượng 身thân
With manifestation as many as a sea of dust motes, he appears in infinite bodies.
六lục 度độ 萬vạn 行hạnh 勤cần 耕canh 耘vân
He diligently plows the field of the six perfections and myriad practices.
回hồi 小tiểu 向hướng 大đại 菩bồ 提đề 果quả
Turning from the Small and embracing the Great is the Bodhi fruit.
自tự 度độ 化hóa 他tha 般bát 若nhã 心tâm
Saving ourselves and teaching others is the prajna mind.