
Từ Điển Thuật Ngữ Phật Học Hán Ngữ

Brahmaloka, the eighteen heavens of form, rūpadhātu, three of the first dhyāna, 梵衆天; 梵輔天; 大梵天; three of the second, 少光天; 無量光天; 光音; three of the third, 少淨天; 無量淨天; 徧淨天; and nine of the fourth, 無雲天; 福生天; 廣果天; 無想天; 無煩天; 無熱天; 善見天; 善現,天; 色究竟天 .”Southern Buddhism knows only sixteen. Those two which Northern Buddhists added are Punya-prasava 福生 and Anabhraka 無雲.” Eitel.