The Lekha Sutta


“Monks, there are these three types of individuals to be found existing in the world. Which Three? An individual like an inscription in rock, an individual like an inscription in soil, and an individual like an inscription in water.

“And how is an individual like an inscription on rock? There is the case where a certain individual is often angered, and his anger stays with him a long time. Just as an inscription like an inscription in rock is not quickly effaced by wind or water and lasts a long time, in the same way an individual is often angered, and his anger stays with him a long time. This is called an individual like an inscription on rock.

“And how is an individual like an inscription in soil? There is the case where a certain individual is often angered, but his anger doesn’t stay with him for a long time. Just as an inscription in soil is quickly effaced by wind and water and doesn’t last a long time, in the same way an individual is often angered, but his anger doesn’t stay with him for a long time. This is called an individual like an inscription in soil

“ And how is an individual like an inscription in water? There is the case where a certain individual—when spoken to roughly, spoken to harshly, spoken to in an unpleasing way—is nevertheless congenial, companionable, and courteous. Just as an inscription in water disappears immediately, and doesn’t last a long time, in the same way a certain individual—when spoken to roughly, spoken to harshly, spoken to in an unpleasing way—is nevertheless congenial, companionable, and courteous. This is called an individual like an inscription in water.

“These are the three types of individuals to be found existing in the world.”