Chief Editor: Venerable Brahmapundit
Editor: Peter Harvey
Translators: Tamás Agócs, Peter Harvey, Dharmacārī Śraddhāpa, P.D.Premasiri, G.ASomaratne, Venerable Thich Tue Sy
- 01. Background to this book, and its contributors
- 02. General introduction
- 03. Introduction on the life of the historical Buddha
- 04. Introduction to the Sangha, or community of disciples
- 05. Introduction to the selections from Theravāda Buddhism
- 06. Introduction to the selections from Mahāyāna Buddhism
- 07. Introduction to the selections from Vajrayāna Buddhism
- 08. P1-Chapter 1: Conception, birth and early life
- 09. P1-Chapter 1: The quest for awakening
- 10. P1-Chapter 2: Different Perspective On The Budhha
- 11. P2-Chapter 3: Characteristics of The Teaching
- 12. P2-Chapter 4: On Society And Human Relationships
- 13. P2-Chapter 5: On Human Life
- 14. P2-Chapter 6: The Buddhist Path And Its Practice
- 15. P2-Chapter 7 : Ethics
- 16. P2-Chapter 8: Meditation
- 17. P2-Chapter 9: Wisdom
- 18. P2-Chapter 10: The Goals of Buddhism
- 19. P3-Chapter 11: The Buddhist Path And Its Practice
- 20. P3-Chapter 12: Exemplary Lives
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Common Buddhist Text: Guidance and Insight from the Buddha
Source: ICDV