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Chapter 26: Dharani
At that time Medicine King Bodhisattva rose from his seat, uncovered his right shoulder, placed his palms together, faced the Buddha and said, “World Honored One, if a good man or a good woman can receive and uphold the Dharma Flower Sutra, whether reading or reciting it with ease and understanding, or writing it out, what blessings will that person gain?”
The Buddha said to Medicine King, “What do you think? If a good man or a good woman were to make offerings to Buddhas equal in number to the grains of sand in eight million kotis of nayutas of Ganges rivers, would the blessings he gained not be great?”
“Very great, World Honored One.”
The Buddha said, “If a good man or a good woman can receive and uphold even a single four-line verse of this Sutra, read it, recite it, and explain its meaning, and cultivate in accord with its teaching, his or her merit and virtue will be extremely great.”
At that time Medicine King Bodhisattva said to the Buddha, “World Honored One, I shall now give to the speakers of Dharma a dharani mantra for their protection.”
He then spoke the mantra, saying:
“An er. Man er. Mo mi. Mo mo mi. Zhi li. Zhi li di. She li. She li duo wei. Shan di. Mu di. Mu
duo li. Suo li. E wei suo li. Sang li suo li. Cha yi. E cha yi. E chi ni. Shan di. She li. Tuo la ni. E lu qie pe suo. Bo zhe pi cha ni. Mi pi ti. E bian duo luo mi li ti. E tan duo bo li shu di. E jiu li. Mu jiu li. E luo li.
Bo luo li. Suo jia cha. E san mo san li. Fo tuo pi ji li zhi di. Da mo bo li cha di. Seng qie nye jyu sha mi. Po she po she shu di. Man duo luo. Man duo luo cha ye duo. You lou duo. You lou duo qiao she liao. y E cha luo. E cha ye duo ye. E po lu. E mo rao nuo duo ye.”
“World Honored One, this Dharani, this spiritual mantra has been spoken by Buddhas equal in number to the sands of sixty-two kotis of Ganges Rivers. If anyone harms this Dharma Master, he will thereby have harmed these Buddhas.”
Then Shakyamuni Buddha praised Medicine King Bodhisattva saying, “Good indeed, good indeed, Medicine King, that you mercifully protect this Dharma Master by speaking this Dharani, thereby greatly benefiting living beings.”
At that time Courageous Giving Bodhisattva said to the Buddha, “World Honored One, I too shall speak a Dharani to protect those who read, recite, receive, and uphold the Dharma Flower Sutra. If this Dharma Master gains this Dharani, no yaksha, rakshasa, putana, kritya, kumbhanda, or hungry ghost will be able to seek out his weakness and take advantage of him.”
Then, in the presence of the Buddha, he spoke this mantra:
“Cuo li. Mo he cuo li. Yu zhi. Mu zhi. E li. E luo po di. Nie li di. Nie li duo po di. Yi zhi ni. Wei zhi ni. Zhi zhi ni. Nie li chi ni. Nie li chi po di.”
“World Honored One, this Dharani, this spiritual mantra, has been spoken by Buddhas equal in number to the grains of sand in the Ganges River, all of whom rejoice in accord. If anyone harms this Dharma Master, he will thereby have harmed these Buddhas.”
At that time the Heavenly King and World-Protector Vaishravana said to the Buddha, “World Honored One, I, too, out of compassion for living beings and in order to protect the Dharma Masters, shall speak this Dharani.”
He then spoke this mantra:
“E li. Nuo li. Nou nuo li. E nuo lu. Nuo li. Ju nuo li.”
“World Honored One, by means of this spiritual mantra, I protect the Dharma Masters. I shall also personally protect the holders of this Sutra within an area of one hundred yojanas so that no harm or misfortune comes to them.”
At that time the Heavenly King “Holder of the Country” was present in the assembly and reverently surrounded by a host of a thousand myriads of kotis of nayutas of gandharvas. He went before the Buddha, placed his palms together and spoke to the Buddha saying, “ World Hono red One, I too shall protect the upholders of the Dharma Flower Sutra with a Dharani, a spiritual mantra.”
He then spoke this mantra:
“E qie mi. Qie mi. Ju li. Qian tuo li. Zhan tuo li. Mo deng qi. Chang qiu li. Fu lou suo ni. E di.”
“World Honored One, this dharani, this spiritual mantra, has been spoken by forty-two kotis of Buddhas. If anyone harms this Dharma Master, he will thereby have harmed these Buddhas.”
At that time there were rakshasa women. The first was named Lamba, the second was named Vilamba, the third was named Crooked Teeth, the fourth was named Flower Teeth, the fifth was named Black Teeth, the sixth was named Much Hair, the seventh was named Insatiable, the eighth was named Holder of Beads, the ninth was named Kunti, and the tenth was named Robber of the Essence and Energy of All Beings. These ten rakshasa women, along with the ghost mother and her children and their retinues, all went before the Buddha and spoke to Him in unison, saying, “World Honored One, we, too, wish to protect those who read, recite, receive and hold the Dharma Flower Sutra, and keep them from harm. Should anyone seek out the weaknesses of these Dharma Masters, he will not be able to take advantage of them.”
Then, in the presence of the Buddha, they spoke this mantra:
“Yi ti li. Yi ti min. Yi ti li. E ti li. Yi ti li. Ni li. Ni li. Ni li. Ni li. Ni li. Lou xi. Lou xi. Lou xi. Lou xi. Duo xi.
Duo xi. Duo xi. Dou xi. Nou xi.”
“Climb on top of our heads, but do not trouble this Dharma Master. No yaksha, rakshasa, hungry ghost, putana, kritya, vetala, ghanta, omaraka, apasmaraka, yakshakritya, human kritya; nor any fever lasting one day, or two days, or three days, or four days, or up to seven days; nor any constant fever; nor any shape of man, woman, young boy, or young girl shall trouble him, even in his dreams. ”
Then, in the presence of the Buddha, they spoke this verse:
If anyone fails to comply with this mantra
Or tries to disturb one who speaks the Dharma,
His head shall break into seven pieces,
Like the branch of the arjaka tree.
Like the retribution for the offense of killing one’s parents,
Or that of pressing oil,
Or cheating others with weights and measures,
Or Devadatta’s offense in breaking up the Shangha—
One who harms this Dharma Master
Shall incur calamities such as these.”
Having spoken this verse, the rakshasa women said to the Buddha, “World Honored One, we, too, shall personally protect those who receive, uphold, read, recite, and cultivate this Sutra, causing them to be peaceful and secure, free from all harm and illness, and able to neutralize all poisonous potions.”
The Buddha told the rakshasa women, “Good indeed, good indeed! In protecting those who receive and uphold even the name of the Dharma Flower, your blessings will be unlimited; how much more so for protecting those who receive and uphold it in full, and make offerings to the Sutra text of flowers, incense, beads, powdered incense, paste incense, burning incense, banner, canopies, music, and who light various lamps—butter lamps, oil lamps, lamps of fragrant oil, lamps of sumana oil, lamps of champaka flower oil, lamps of varshika flower oil, lamps of utpala flower oil, and lamps such as these, of a hundred thousand kinds. Kunti! You and your retinue should protect Dharma Masters such as these.”
When this Dharani Chapter was spoken, sixty-eight thousand people obtained the patience with the non-production of Dharmas.