Concise Pali-English Dictionary
A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera

  – T –

ta [demonstrative pron.] that; (so = he; sā = she; taṃ = that thing, are some forms of this).

takka [m.] thought; reasoning; logic. (nt.), butter-milk.

takkana [nt.] thinking; reasoning.

takkara [adj.] a doer thereof. (m.), a thief.

takkasilā [f.] name of city in Gandāra, where was well known university.

takkika [3] a sophist; a logician.

takkita [pp. of takketi] thought; reasoned.

takkī [3] a sophist; a logician.

takketi [takk + e] thinks; reasons; argues; trusts.

takketvā [abs. of takketi] having thought; having reasoned.

takkesi [aor. of takketi] thought; reasoned.

takkola [nt.] a kind of perfume.

tagara [nt.] fragrant shrub.

taggaruka [adj.] bent thereon.

taggha [an affirmative particle] truly; surely; if it is so.

taca [m.] skin; bark; hide.

tacagandha [m.] the scent of bark.

tacapañcaka [nt.] the five constituents ending with taca, viz. kesā, lomā, nakhā, dantā, taco.

tacapariyosāna [adj.] limited by skin.

taccha [adj.] true; real; (nt.) the truth.

tacchaka [m.] a carpenter; chipper of wood.

tacchati [tacch + a] chips; chops; make thin.

tacchana [nt.] chipping off.

tacchanī [f.] chip-axe.

tacchi [aor. of tacchati] chipped; chopped. (pp. of taccheti), shipped.

tacchita [pp. of tacchati] chipped; chopped.

tacchitvā [abs. of tacchati] having chipped; havind chopped; having made thin.

taccheti [tacch + a] chips.

tacchetvā [abs. of taccheti] having chipped.

tacchenta [pr.p. of taccheti] chipping.

tacchesi [aor. of taccheti] chipped.

tajja [adj.] arising from that.

tajjanā [f.] threat; menace.

tajjaniya [adj.] to be blamed or censured.

tajjanī [f.] the forefinger.

tajjita [pp. of tajjeti] frightened; threatened.

tajjeti [tajj + e] frightens; threatens.

tajjetvā [abs. of tajjeti] having frightened; having threatened.

tajjenta [pr.p. of tajjeti] frightening; threatening.

tajjesi [aor. of tajjeti] frightened; threatened.

taṭataṭāyamāna. [pr.p. of taṭa-tatāyati] making the sound tat tat.

taṭa-tatāyati [onom. from taṭa] makes the sound tat tat.

taṭa-tatāyāyi [aor. of taṭa-tatāyati] made the sound tat tat.

taṭṭika : a small mat; a piece of hide to sit on.

taṇḍula [nt.] rice-grain.

taṇḍulamuṭṭhi [m.] a handful of rice.

taṇḍulika [m.] rice-merchant.

taṇhasaṃyojana [nt.] the fatter of craving.

taṇhā [f.] craving; thirst; lust; attachment.

taṇhākkhaya [m.] the destruction of craving.

taṇhājāla [nt.] the snare of craving.

taṇhādutiya [adj.] having craving as one’s companion.

taṇhāpaccaya [adj.] caused by craving.

taṇhāvicarita : a thought of craving.

taṇhāsaṅkhaya [m.] complete destruction.

taṇhāsalla [nt.] the dart of craving.

taṇhāsota [m.] stream of craving.

taṇhīyati [deno. from tanhā] has thirst for.

tata [pp. of tanoti] extended; spread out. || taṭa (nt.) side of river; a river bank; (m.) a precipice. tāta (m.) 1. father; 2. son.

tatiya [adj.] the third. || tatiyā (f.) the third case, instrumental.

tatiyaṃ [adv.] for the third time.

tato [ind.] from there; from that; thence; therefore; thereupon.

tato nidānaṃ [adv.] on that account.

tato nimittaṃ [adv.] on that account.

tatonidānaṃ [adv.] on account of that.

tatopaṭṭhāya [ind.] thenceforth; since; then

tatoparaṃ [ind.] beyond that.

tatta [nt.] the real nature; reality. (pp. of tapati), heat; hot; glowing.

tattaka [adj.] that much; of such size. || taṭṭaka (nt.), a tray; a porringer.

tatto [ind.] accurately.

tattha [adv.] there; in that place.

tatra [adv.] there; in that place.

tatha [adj.] true; real. (nt.), the truth. || tathā (adv.) thus; so; in that way; likewise.

tathatā [f.] reality; such likeness.

tathatta [nt.] the state of being so; the truth.

tathavacana [adj.] speaking the truth.

tathā pi [ind.] even so; but.

tathāeva [adv.] in the same way.

tathākārī [adj.] acting so.

tathāgata [adj.] one who has gone so; the Enlighten One.

tathāgata-bala [nt.] the supreme intellectual power of the Tathāgata.

tathābhāva [m.] suchness; such a condition.

tathārūpa [adj.] such; like that.

tatheve [ind.] likewise; similarly.

tad eva : same thing.

tadagge [adv.] henceforth.

tadaṅga [adj.] temporal (?); (nt.) that portion.

tadatthaṃ [(taṃ + atthaṃ), ind.] for that purpose.

tadanurūpa [adj.] conforming with that.

tadaha [nt.] the same day.

tadahu [nt.] the same day.

tadahuposathe [loc.] on the fast day.

tadupaniya [adj.] agreeing with; befitting.

tadupeta [adj.] endowed with that.

tanaya [m.] a son; offspring. || tanuyā (f.) a daughter.

tani [aor. of tanoti] extended; stretched.

tanu [adj.] thin; slender.

tanuka [adj.] thin.

tanukata [adj.] made thin; reduced.

tanukaraṇa [nt.] making thin; reduction.

tanuja [m.] a son; offspring. || tanujā (f.) a daughter.

tanutara [adj.] thinner.

tanutā [nt.] thinness; diminution; reduction.

tanutta [nt.] thinness; diminution; reduction.

tanubhāva [m.] thinness; diminution; reduction.

tanoti [tan + o] extends; stretches.

tanta [nt.] thread; string; a loom.

tantavāya [m.] a weaver.

tantākulakajāta [adj.] entangled like a ball of string.

tanti [f.] a cord of lute; a secret text.

tantidhara [adj.] bearer of tradition.

tantissara [m.] string of music; sound of lute.

tantu [m.] string; cord; thread.

tandita [adj.] weary; lazy; inactive.

tandī [f.] weariness; sloth.

tanhīyi [aor. of taṇhīyati] had thirst for.

tapa [m.; nt.] (mano-group) penance; religious austerity; morality. (in cpds. this changes it’s last vowel a to o and stands as tapo.)

tapati [tap + a] shines; brights.

tapadhana [adj.] one whose wealth is self-control; an ascetic.

tapana [nt.] shining; brightness. || tāpana (nt.) scorching; self-mortification; tormenting.

tapanīya [adj.] causing remorse. (nt.), gold.

tapanta [pr.p. of tapati] shining.

tapamāna [pr.p. of tapati] shining.

tapavana [nt.] a place suitable for religious practices.

tapassinī [f.] female ascetic.

tapassī [adj.] devoted to religious austerities. (m.), a hermit.

tapi [aor. of tapati] shined.

tapokamma [nt.] ascetic practice.

tapodhana [m.] monk (lit. rich in asceticism).

tappaṇa [nt.] satiation; refreshment.

tappara [adj.] devoted to; quite given to.

tappita [pp. of tappeti] satiated; satisfied; pleased.

tappiya [abs. of tappeti] having satiated; having satisfied; having pleased. (adj.) satiable.

tappeti [tapp + e] satiates; satisfies; pleases.

tappetu [m.] one who satiates.

tappetvā [abs. of tappeti] having satiated; having satisfied; having pleased.

tappenta [pr.p. of tappeti] satiating; satisfying.

tappesi [aor. of tappeti] satiated; satisfied; pleased.

tabbahula [adj.] having abundantly or often.

tabbipakkha [adj.] antagonistic to that.

tabbiparīta [adj.] different from that.

tabbisaya [adj.] having that as an object.

tabbhāva [m.] that state; the real nature.

tama [m.; nt.] (mano-group), darkness, ignorance. (in cpds. it becomes tamo.)

tamakhanda [m.] great darkness.

tamanaddha [adj.] enveloped in darkness.

tamanuda [adj.] dispeller of darkness.

tamaparāyaṇa [adj.] having a state of darkness for his destiny.

tamāla [m.] the tree Xantrochymus pictorius.

tamba [adj.] copper-coloured; brown. (nt.), copper.

tambakesa [adj.] having tawny hair.

tambacūla [m.] a cock.

tambanakha [adj.] having brown finger-nails.

tambanetta [adj.] having brown eyes.

tambabhājana [nt.] a copper vessel.

tambaloka [m.; nt.] copper.

tambūla [nt.] betel-leaf.

tambūlapasibbaka [m.] a purse to keep betel.

tambūlapeḷā [f.] a betel-box.

taya [nt.] a triad.

tayo [nom. plu. of ti] three (persons).

tara [adj.] (in cpds.), crossing; passing over. || tārā (f.), star.

taraṅga [m.] a wave.

taraccha [m.] a hyaena.

taraṇa [nt.] going across; passing over.

taraṇī [f.] a ship; a boat.

taraṇīya [pt.p. of] crossable.

tarati [tar + a] crosses or pass over; to be in a hurry.

taranta [pr.p. of tarati] crossing or passing over.

taramāna [pr.p. of tarati] crossing or passing over.

taramāna-rūpa [adj.] being in a hurry.

tari [aor. of tarati] crossed or passed over.

tarita [pp. of tarati] crossed or passed over. || tārita (pp. of tāreti) made cross; helped over; assisted.

taritu [m.] one who passes or crosses over.

taritvā [abs. of tarati] having crossed or passed over.

taru [m.] a tree.

taruṇa [adj.] young; of tender age. (m.), a young man.

taruṇī [f.] a young woman; maiden.

tarusaṇḍa [m.] a grove of trees.

tala [nt.] a flat surface; level ground; a base; a flat roof; a stage; the blade of a weapon; the palm or sole. || tāla (m.) the palmyra tree. tāḷa (m.) a key; a cymbal; music (in general).

talaghātaka [nt.] a slap with the palm of the hand.

talasattika [nt.] hand raised in a threatening manner.

taluṇa [adj.] young; of tender age. (m.), a young man.

taḷāka [m.; nt.] a lake.

tasa [adj.] movable; trembling. || tāsa (m.) terror; fear; trembling.

tasati [tas + a] trembles, to be frightened; to be thirsty; to crave for.

tasanta [pr.p. of tasati] trembling.

tasi [aor. of tasati] trembled.

tasita [pp. of tasati] trembled. || tāsita (pp. of tāseti) made tremble; frightened; impaled.

tasitvā [abs. of tasati] having trembled.

tasinā [f.] craving; thirst.

tasmā [ind.] therefore.

tahaṃ [adv.] there; on it; in that place.

tahiṃ [adv.] there; on it; in that place.

tāṇa [nt.] protection; refuge; shelter.

tāṇatā [f.] protection.

tādisa [adj.] such; of such quality.

tādisaka [adj.] such; of such quality.

tādī [adj.] such; of such quality.

tāpasa [m.] a hermit.

tāpasī [f.] a female ascetic.

tāpita [pp. of tāpeti] scorched; tormented; heated.

tāpeti [caus. of tapati] scorches; torments; heats.

tāpetvā [abs. of tāpeti] having scorched; having tormented; having heated.

tāpenta [pr.p. of tāpeti] scorching; tormenting; heating.

tāpesi [aor. of tāpeti] scorched; tormented; heated.

tāmbūlī [f.] the betel creeper.

tāyati [tā + ya] protects; preserves; nourishes.

tāyana [nt.] protection.

tāyi [aor. of tāyati] protected; preserved; nourished.

tāyita [pp. of tāyati] protected; preserved; nourished.

tāyituṃ [inf. of tāyati] to protect; to preserve; to nourishe.

tāyitvā [abs. of tāyati] having protected; having preserved; having nourished.

tārakā [f.] a star.

tārakāgaṇa [m.] the host of stars.

tārakāpati [m.] the moon.

tārakāpatha [m.] the sky.

tārayamāna [pr.p. of tāreti] making cross; helping over.

tāreti [caus. of tarati] makes cross; helps over; assists.

tāretu [m.] one who helps to cross; a saviour.

tāretvā [abs. of tāreti] having made cross; having helped over; having assisted.

tārenta [pr.p. of tāreti] making cross; helping over.

tāresi [aor. of tāreti] made cross; helped over; assisted.

tālakanda [m.] the sprout coming out of a palm nut, (which is eaten when boiled and dried).

tālakkhandha [m.] the trunk of a palm tree.

tālaṭṭhika [nt.] the inner shell of a palm nut.

tālapakka [nt.] palm nut.

tālapaṇṇa [nt.] palm-leaf (used for writing).

tālapatta [nt.] a whole palm-leaf (used for thatching, etc.)

tālavaṇṭa [nt.] a fan. (lit. the stem of a palm-leaf; this is a corruption of tālavaṭṭa = a circle made of palm-leaf).

tālāvatthukata [adj.] rendered groundless; uprooted.

tālu [m.] the palate.

tāluja [adj.] palatal.

tāletvā [abs. of tāḷeti] having struck; having beaten; having flogged.

tāḷaavacara [nt.] music. (m.), a musician.

tāḷacchiggla [nt.] key-hole.

tāḷacchidda [nt.] key-hole.

tāḷana [nt.] beating; striking.

tāḷita [pp. of tāḷeti] struck; beated; flogged.

tāḷeti [tal + e] strikes; beats; flogs.

tāḷenta [pr.p. of tāḷeti] striking; beating.

tāḷesi [aor. of tāḷeti] struck; beated; flogged.

tāva [in.] so much; so long; as far as.

tāvakālika [adj.] temporary; for the time being.

tāvataka [adj.] just so much; just so long.

tāvatā [adv.] so long; on that account; by that much.

tāvatiṃsa [m.] name of a heavenly abode.

tāvatiṃsabhavana [nt.] the realm of the 33 gods.

tāvad eve [ind.] instantly.

tāvade [ind.] at that moment; instantly.

tāvadeva [ind.] at that moment; instantly.

tāva-mahanta [adj.] so big; so great.

tāsana [nt.] frightening; impalement.

tāsayamāna [pr.p. of tāseti] frightening.

tāseti [caus. of tasati] makes tremble; frightens; impales.

tāsetvā [abs. of tāseti] having frightened.

tāsenta [pr.p. of tāseti] frightening.

tāsesi [aor. of tāseti] made tremble; frightened; impaled.

ti [adj.] three. (Declined in the plural of all genders).

tiṃsati [f.] thirty.

tika [nt.] a triad. (adj.), consisting of three. || ṭīkā (f.), sub-commentary.

tikaṭuka [nt.] the threefold spices.

tikiacchita [pp. of tikicchati] cured; treated medically.

tikicchaka [m.] a physician.

tikicchati [kit + cha; ki is doubled and the former k is changed to t] cures; treats medically.

tikicchanta [pr.p. of tikicchati] treating medically.

tikicchā [f.] the art of healing; practice of medicine.

tikicchi [aor. of tikicchati] cured; treated medically.

tikkha [adj.] sharp; acute; quick in deciding.

tikkhattuṃ [adv.] thrice.

tikkhapañña [adj.] having sharp intellect.

tikhiṇa [adj.] sharp; pointed; pungent; acrid.

tigāvuta [adj.] measuring 3 gāvutas.

ticīvara : the 3 robes of a monk, viz. the inner, under, and the upper robes.

tiṭṭhati [ṭhā + a; ṭhā is changed to tiṭṭha] stands; stays; abides; lasts; remains. (comparative tiṭṭhatu has the meaning; leave it alone or let it be so).

tiṭṭhanta [pr.p. of tiṭṭhati] standing; staying.

tiṭṭhamāna [pr.p. of tiṭṭhati] standing; staying.

tiṇa [nt.] grass.

tiṇaagāra [nt.] a cottage thatched with grass.

tiṇaaṇḍūpaka [nt.] a pad of grass.

tiṇaukkā [f.] a torch made of grass.

tiṇagahaṇa [nt.] a thicket of grass.

tiṇajāti [f.] a variety of grass.

tiṇabhakkha [adj.] subsisting on grass.

tiṇabhisi [f.] a mattress of grass.

tiṇamuṭṭhi [m.] a handful.

tiṇasanthāra [m.] a mat of grass.

tiṇasūla [nt.] a kind of jasmine.

tiṇahāraka [m.] one who carries grass for sale.

tiṇha [adj.] sharp.

titikkhati [tij + kha; ti is doubled and j is changed to k] endures; forebears.

titikkhanta [pr.p. of titikkhati] enduring.

titikkhamāna [pr.p. of titikkhati] enduring.

titikkhā [f.] endurance; forgiveness.

titikkhi [aor. of titikkhati] endured.

titikkhitvā [abs. of titikkhati] having endured.

titta [pp. of tappati] contented; satisfied. (adj.), bitter. (nt.), bitter taste.

tittaka [adj.] bitter. (nt.), bitter taste.

titti [f.] satisfaction; the brim.

tittira [m.] a partridge.

tittha [nt.] a fording or landing place; a harbour; a belief.

titthakara [m.] founder of a religious order.

titthāyatana [(tittha + āyatana), nt.] the sphere of a religious sect; the fundamental doctrine (of any religion).

titthiya [m.] a heretical teacher; and adherent of another religion.

titthiyaārāma [m.] an abode of heretics.

titthiyasāvaka [m.] a follower of a heretical teacher.

tithi [f.] a lunar day.

tidaṇḍa [nt.] a tripod (to place something on).

tidasa [m.] a deity (in general).

tidasapura [nt.] the city of the devas.

tidasasinda [m.] the city of the devas.

tidiva [m.] the celestial abode.

tidhā [adv.] in three ways.

tinta [adj.] wet; moist.

tintinī [f.] tamarind.

tinduka [m.] the tree Diospyros embryopteris.

tipaññāsā [f.] fifty-three.

tipiṭaka [nt.] the 3 divisions of the Buddhist Canon.

tipiṭakapāḷi [f.] the ṇuddhist Canon (having three baskets or portions).

tipu [nt.] lead.

tipusa [nt.] pumpkin.

tipeṭaka [adj.] master of the three Piṭakas.

tipeṭakī [adj.] master of the three Piṭakas.

tippa [adj.] sharp; piercing; acute.

tibba [adj.] sharp; piercing; acute. || tiṇṇa (pp. of tarati) crossed over; gone through; one who has reached the final end.

timi [m.] name of an enormous fish.

timiṅgala [m.] a kind of fish.

timira [nt.] darkness. (adj.), dark.

timirāyitatta [nt.] gloom; darkness.

timisa [nt.] darkness. (adj.), dark.

timīsikā [f.] a very dark night.

timbaru [m.] the tree Diospyros embryopteris.

timbarūsaka [m.] the tree Diospyros embryopteris.

tiyāmā [f.] the night.

tiyojana [nt.] a distance of 3 leagues. (adj.), measuring three leagues.

tiracchāna [m.] an animal; a beast.

tiracchānakathā [f.] talk about animals; a childish talk.

tiracchānagata [m.] an animal.

tiracchānayoni [f.] the realm of the brute creation.

tiriyaṃ [adv.] across; transversely.

tiriyaṃtaraṇa [nt.] ferrying across.

tirīṭaka [nt.] a garment made of bark; the strips used for that purpose.

tiro [ind.] across; beyond; outside.

tirokaraṇī [f.] a curtain; veil.

tirokuḍḍa [nt.] outside the wall.

tirokkāra [m.] insult.

tirodhāna [nt.] a lid; a screen.

tiropabbata [nt.] further side of a mountain or rock.

tirobhāva [m.] concealment; disappearance.

tila [nt.] the sesamum seed.

tilakakka [nt.] sesame paste.

tilagulikā [f.] sesamum cake.

tilapiññāka [nt.] sesamum-grinding.

tilapiṭṭha [nt.] sesamum-grinding.

tilamuṭṭhi [m.] a handful of sesame.

tilavaha [m.] a cartload of sesame.

tiliṅgika [adj.] belonging to the 3 genders.

tiloka [m.] the 3 worlds.

tivagga [adj.] consisting of 3 divisions.

tivaṅgika [adj.] having 3 constituents.

tivassika [adj.] three years old.

tividha [adj.] threefold.

tīra [nt.] shore; riverbank.

tīraṇa [nt.] decision; judgement.

tīradassī [m.] seeing the shore.

tīrayamāna [pr.p. of tīreti] deciding; judging.

tīrita [pp. of tīreti] decided; judged; finished; executed.

tīreti [tīr + e] decides; judges; finishes; executes.

tīretvā [abs. of tīreti] having decided; having judging.

tīrenta [pr.p. of tīreti] deciding; judging.

tīresi [aor. of tīreti] decided; judged; finished; executed.

tīha [nt.] a period of three days.

tu [ind.] however; but; yet; now; then.

tuṅga [adj.] high; prominent.

tuṅganāsika [adj.] having a prominent nose.

tuccha [adj.] empty; vain; deserted.

tucchahattha [adj.] empty-handed.

tujjati [pass. of tudati] to be pierced or struck.

tuṭṭha [pp. of tussati] satisfied.

tuṭṭhacitta [adj.] with gladdened mind.

tuṭṭhi [f.] pleasure; joy.

tuṇḍa [nt.] the beak; snout.

tuṇḍaka [adj.] with gladdened mind.

tuṇṇakamma [nt.] needle-work; tailoring.

tuṇṇavāya [m.] a tailor.

tuṇhī [in.] silent; silently.

tuṇhī-bhavati [v.] keeps silence.

tuṇhībhāva [m.] silence.

tuṇhībhūta [adj.] silent.

tutta [nt.] a pike for guiding elephants.

tudati [tud + a] pricks; pecks; pierces; instigates.

tudana [nt.] pricking; piercing.

tudanta [pr.p. of tudati] pricking; pecking.

tudamāna [pr.p. of tudati] pricking; pecking.

tudi [aor. of tudati] pricked; pecked; pierced; instigated.

tudita [pp. of tudati] pricked; pecked; pierced; instigated.

tuditvā [abs. of tudati] having pricked; having pierced.

tunna [pp. of tudati] pricked; pecked; pierced; instigated.

tumula [adj.] great; big; grand.

tumba [m.; nt.] a kind of water-vessel; a measure used for grain.

tumbakaṭāha [m.] a vessel made of calabash or gourd.

tumbī [f.] long gourd.

tumha : (the second personal pro.) you.

tumhādisa [adj.] of your kind.

turaga [m.] a horse.

turaṅga [m.] a horse.

turaṅgama [m.] a horse.

turita [adj.] speedy; quick.

turitaṃ [adv.] quickly; in a hurry.

turitaturitaṃ [adv.] very quickly; in a great haste.

turiya [nt.] musical instrument. || tūriya (nt.) musical instrument.

turukkha [adj.] belonging to Turkey. (m.) a kind of incense.

tulana [nt.] weighing; rating; deliberation. || tulanā (f.) weighing; rating; deliberation.

tulasī [f.] the basil plant.

tulā [f.] a balance; scales; a rafter. || tūla (nt.) cotton

tulākūṭa [nt.] false weighing.

tulādaṇḍa [m.] the beam of a balance.

tulita [pp. of tuleti] weighed; examined; compared.

tuliya [m.] flying fox. (tūliya?)

tuleti [tul + e] weighes; examines; compares.

tuletvā [abs. of tuleti] having weighed; having examined; having compared.

tulenta [pr.p. of tuleti] examining; comparing.

tulesi [aor. of tuleti] weighed; examined; compared.

tulya [adj.] equal; measurable.

tulyatā [f.] equality.

tuvaṃ [nom. sin. of tumha] thou.

tuvaṭaṃ [adv.] quickly.

tussati [tus + ya] to be glad or satisfied.

tussana [nt.] satisfaction; joy. || tussanā (f.) satisfaction; joy.

tussanta [pr.p. of tussati] satisfying.

tussamāna [pr.p. of tussati] satisfying.

tussi [aor. of tussati] satisfied.

tussitvā [abs. of tussati] having satisfied.

tuhina [nt.] dew.

tūṇa [m.] a quiver.

tūṇīra [m.] a quiver.

tūlapicu [m.] cotton-wool.

tūla-sannibha [adj.] cotton-like.

tūlikā [f.] a painter’s brush; a cotton-mattress.

te-asīti [f.] eighty-three.

tekiccha [adj.] curable; one who can be pardoned.

te-cattāḷīsati [f.] forty-three.

te-cīvarika [adj.] using three robes only.

teja [m.; nt.] (mano-group), heat; radiance; glory; power. (This becomes tejo in cpds.)

tejakasiṇa [nt.] fire-contemplation.

tejadhātu [f.] the element of heat.

tejana [nt.] 1. an arrow; 2. sharpening.

tejavantu [adj.] majestic; glorious; generating heat.

tejita [pp. of tejeti] heat; sharpened.

tejeti [tij + e] heats; sharpens.

tejetvā [abs. of tejeti] having heat; having sharpened.

tejenta [pr.p. of tejeti] heating; sharpening.

tejesi [aor. of tejeti] heat; sharpened.

tejodhātu [f.] element of heat.

tettiṃsati [f.] thirty-three.

tettiṃsā [f.] thirty-three.

tena [ind.] on account of it; because of it.

tenavuti [f.] ninety-three.

tenahi [ind.] if it is so.

tepaññasati [f.] fifty-three.

temana [nt.] wetting; moistening.

temayamāna [pr.p. of temeti] making wet.

temita [pp. of temeti] made wet; moistened.

temiyamāna [pr.p. of temīyati] becoming wet.

temīyati [pass. of temeti] becomes wet; to be showed on.

temeti [tim + e] makes wet; moistens.

temetvā [abs. of temeti] having made wet.

tementa [pr.p. of temeti] making wet.

temesi [aor. of temeti] made wet; moistened.

terasa [adj.] thirteen.

terovassika [adj.] three or four years old.

tela [nt.] oil.

telaghaṭa [m.] oil jar.

telacāṭi [f.] a pot of oil.

teladhūpita [adj.] flavoured with oil.

telapadīpa [adj.] oil lamp.

telamakkhana [nt.] anointing with oil.

telika [m.] a dealer in oil.

teḷasa [adj.] thirteen.

tevijja [adj.] possessing three superhuman knowledges.

tesaṭṭhi [f.] sixty-three.

tesattati [f.] seventy-three.

tomara [m.; nt.] a spear; a lance (for driving elephants).

toya [nt.] water.

toraṇa [nt.] an arched gateway; a decorative pandal.

tosa [m.] joy; satisfaction.

tosanā [f.] the act of making joyful or giving pleasure.

tosayamāna [pr.p. of toseti] pleasing.

tosāpana [nt.] the act of making joyful or giving pleasure.

tosāpita [pp. of tosāpeti] made joyful; pleased.

tosāpeti [caus. of tussati] makes joyful; pleases.

tosāpesi [aor. of tosāpeti] made joyful; pleased.

tosita [pp. of toseti] pleased.

toseti : pleases.

tosetvā [abs. of toseti] having pleased.

tosenta [pr.p. of toseti] pleasing.

tosesi [aor. of toseti] pleased.

tvaṃ [nom. sin. of tumha] thou.
