Concise Pali-English Dictionary
A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera

– Ch –

cha [adj.] six.

chakana [nt.] the dung of animals.

chakalaka [m.] a he-goat.

chakka [nt.] a set of six.

chakkhattu [adv.] six times.

chagalaka [m.] a he-goat.

chacattāḷīsati [f.] forty-six.

chaṭṭha [adj.] sixth.

chaṭṭhī [f.] the sixth case, i.e., Genetive.

chaḍḍaka [adj.] thrower; remover.

chaḍḍana [nt.] throwing away; rejection.

chaḍḍanīya [adj.] fit to be thrown away.

chaḍḍāpita [pp. of chaḍḍāpeti] caused to throw away.

chaḍḍāpeti [caus. of chaḍḍeti] causes to throw away; causes to abandon; causes to reject; causes to leave.

chaḍḍāpetvā [abs. of chaḍḍāpeti] having caused to throw away.

chaḍḍāpesi [aor. of chaḍḍāpeti] caused to throw away.

chaḍḍita [pp. of chaḍḍeti] abandoned; rejected; leaved.

chaḍḍitabhāva [m.] the fact of throwing away or leaving aside.

chaḍḍiya [adj.] to be rejected or thrown away.

chaḍḍīyati [pass. of chaḍḍeti] is abandoned.

chaḍḍetabba [pt.p. of chaḍḍeti] should be abandoned.

chaḍḍeti [chaḍḍ + e] throws away; abandons; rejects; leaves.

chaḍḍetvā [abs. of chaḍḍeti] having abandoned; having rejected; having left.

chaḍḍenta [pr.p. of chaḍḍeti] abandoning; rejecting.

chaḍḍesi [aor. of chaḍḍeti] abandoned; rejected; leaved.

chaṇa [m.] a festival.

chaṇadivasa [m.] festival day.

chatta [nt.] umbrella; sunshade; the royal canopy.

chattakāra [m.] maker of sunshades.

chattagāhaka [m.] one who carries his master’s sunshade.

chattadaṇḍa [f.] the handle of a sunshade.

chattanāḷi [f.] the handle of a sunshade.

chattapāṇī [m.] one who carries an umbrella.

chattamaṅgala [nt.] coronation festival; pinnacle raising of a pagoda.

chattiṃsati [f.] thirty-six.

chattiṃsā [f.] thirty-six.

chattussāpana [nt.] raising of the royal canopy, i.e.; to occupy the throne.

chada [m.] (in cpds.) anything that covers; a veil.

chadana [nt.] a thatch; a roof; a cover. || chādana (nt.), covering; clothing; concealment. chādanā (f.) covering; clothing; concealment.

chadaniṭṭhakā : tile.

chaddanta [adj.] having six tusks. (m.) name of a great lake and a race of elephants.

chaddikā [f.] vomiting.

chaddhā [adv.] in six ways.

chadvārika [adj.] belonging to the six outlets of the senses.

chadhā [adv.] in six ways.

chanaka [nt.] the dung of animals.

chanavuti [f.] ninety-six.

chanda [m.; nt.] (mano-group), metrics; prosody. (m.), impulse; will; wish.

chandaka [nt.] vote; a voluntary collection.

chandatā [f.] (in cpds.), impulse; desire for.

chandarāga [m.] exciting desire.

chandāgati [f.] wrong way of behaviour under an impulse.

channa [adj.] proper; suitable. (pp. of chādeti) covered; concealed; thatched; given pleasure; relished.

chapaññāsā [f.] fifty-six.

chappada [m.] a bee.

chabbaggiya [adj.] belonging to the group of six.

chabbaṇṇa [adj.] consisting of six colours.

chabbassika [adj.] existing throughout six years; six years old.

chabbidha [adj.] six-fold.

chabbīsati [f.] twenty-six.

chabbhaggiya [adj.] belonging to the group of six.

chamā [f.] the earth; ground.

chambhitatta [nt.] stupefaction; consternation.

chambhī [adj.] terrified; paralysed with fear.

chammāsika [adj.] existing or enough for six.

chaḷaṃsa [adj.] having six sides or coners, hexagonal.

chaḷaṅga [adj.] consisting of six parts.

chaḷaṅsa [adj.] having six sides or corners.

chaḷabhiñña [adj.] possessing the six branches of higher knowledge. || chaḷabhiññā (f.), the six branches of super-human knowledge.

chava [m.] a corpse. (adj.), low; miserable.

chavakuṭikā [f.] charnel-house.

chavaṭṭhika [nt.] a bone separated from a skeleton.

chavaḍāhaka [m.] one who officially burns the dead.

chavālāta [(chava + alāta), nt.] fire brand from a pyre.

chavi [f.] the outer skin; tegument.

chavikalyāṇa [nt.] beauty of complexion.

chavivaṇṇa [m.] colour of the skin; complexion.

chasaṭṭhi [f.] sixty-six.

chasattati [f.] seventy-six.

chāta [adj.] hungry. || chātā (f.) the state of being hungry.

chātaka [nt.] hunger; famine.

chātajjhatta [adj.] hungry.

chādanīya [pt.p. of chādeti] fit to be covered.

chādayamāna [pr.p. of chādiya] covering; concealing.

chādita [pp. of chādiya] covered; concealed.

chādiya [abs. of chādiya] having covered; having concealed.

chādetabba [pt.p. of chādeti] fit to be covered.

chādeti [chad + e] covers; conceals; thatches; gives pleasure; relishes.

chādetvā [abs. of chādiya] having covered; having concealed.

chādenta [pr.p. of chādiya] covering; concealing.

chādesi [aor. of chādiya] covered; concealed.

chāpa [m.] the young one of animal.

chāpaka [m.] the young one of animal.

chāyamāna [nt.] the measuring of shadow.

chāyarūpa [nt.] a photograph; portrait.

chāyā [f.] shade; shadow.

chārikā [f.] ashes.

chāha [nt.] six days.

chiggala [nt.] a hole.

chijjati [pass. of chindati] is cut, broken or severed.

chijjanta [pr.p. of chijjati] breaking.

chijjamāna [pr.p. of chijjati] breaking.

chijji [aor. of chijjati] was broken.

chijjitvā [abs. of chijjati] having been broken.

chijjiya [abs. of chijjati] having broken.

chida : (in cpds.), breaking; cutting; destroying: bandhanacchida = one who breaks or cuts the bond.

chidda [nt.] a hole; a fissure; fault; defect. (adj.), having fissures; perforated; faulty.

chiddaka [adj.] having holes or poses.

chiddagavesī [adj.] looking for others’ faults or weak points.

chiddāvacchiddaka [adj.] full of breaches and holes.

chiddita [adj.] perforated; bored through.

chindati [chid + ṃ + a] cuts; severs; destroys.

chindanta [pr.p. of chindati] cutting; destroying.

chindamāna [pr.p. of chindati] cutting; destroying.

chindāpīyati [v.] causes to be cut.

chindi [aor. of chindati] cut; destroyed.

chinditvā [abs. of chindati] having cut; having destroyed.

chindiya [adj.] breakable.

chindīyati [v.] is cut.

chinna [pp. of chindati] cut; destroyed.

chinnanāsa [adj.] one hose nose is cut off.

chinnabhatta [adj.] famished; starved.

chinnavattha [adj.] one whose garments are taken by force.

chinnahattha [adj.] one whose hands are cut off.

chinnāsa [adj.] without hope.

chinniriyāpatha [adj.] unable to walk; a cripple.

chuddha [pp.] thrown away; rejected; contemptible.

chupati [chup + a] touches.

chupana [nt.] touching.

chupi [aor. of chupati] touched.

chupitvā [abs. of chupati] having touched.

chūrika [f.] a dagger.

cheka [adj.] clever; skilful.

chekatā [f.] cleverness; skill.

chejja [adj.] fit to cut off; liable to break. (nt.), punishment by cutting off one’s limbs.

chettabba [pt.p. of] ought to be cut off.

chettu [m.] one who cuts; cutter.

chettu [inf. of] to cut.

chetvā [abs.] having cut off or severed.

chetvāna [abs.] having cut off or severed.

cheda [m.] cutting off; severance.

chedaka [m.] cutter; breaker.

chedana [nt.] cutting; severing.

chedāpana [nt.] causing to cut or break.

chedāpita [pp. of chedāpeti] caused to cut or break.

chedāpeti [caus. of chindati] causes to cut or break.

chedāpetvā [abs. of chedāpeti] having caused to cut or break.

chedāpesi [aor. of chedāpeti] caused to cut or break.
