Concise Pali-English Dictionary
A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera

– B –

baka [m.] a crane; heron.

bakkhituṃ [inf. of bhakkhati] to eat; to feed upon.

bajjhati [pass. of bandhati] is bound or captivated; is caught (in a trap etc.).

battiṃsati [f.] thirty-two.

badara [nt.] jujube fruit.

badaramissa [adj.] mixed with jujube.

badarī [f.] the jujube tree.

badālatā [f.] a creeper of sweet taste.

baddha [pp. of bandhati] bound; trapped; fastened; combined; put together.

baddhañjalika [adj.] keeping the hands reverently extended.

baddharāva [m.] the cry of the trapped or caught.

baddhavera [nt.] contracted enmity. (adj.), having such enmity.

badhira [adj.] deaf; a person who is deaf.

bandha [m.] bound; fetter; attachment; imprisonment.

bandhati [bandh + a] binds; combines; unites; ties on; captures; composes.

bandhana [nt.] bound; fetter; attachment; imprisonment; binding; bondage; something to bind with.

bandhanāgāra [nt.] a prison.

bandhanāgārika [m.] a prisoner; prison-keeper.

bandhanīya [pt.p. of bandhati] should be combined; should be united.

bandhanta [pr.p. of bandhati] combining; capturing.

bandhava [m.] kinsman; relative; relation.

bandhāpita [pp. of bandhāpeti] caused to be bound or fettered.

bandhāpeti [caus. of bandhati] causes to be bound or fettered.

bandhāpesi [aor. of bandhāpeti] caused to be bound or fettered.

bandhi [aor. of bandhati] combined; united.

bandhitabba [pt.p. of bandhati] should be combined; should be united.

bandhituṃ [inf. of bandhati] to combine; to unite; to capture.

bandhitvā [abs. of bandhati] having combined; having united.

bandhiya [abs. of bandhati] having combined; having united.

bandhu [m.] kinsman; relative; relation.

bandhujīvaka [m.] the China-rose plant.

bandhumantu [adj.] having relatives; rich in kinsmen.

babbaja [nt.] the fragrant root of the Andropogon Muricatus.

babbu [m.] a cat.

babbuka [m.] a cat.

baraṇaseyyaka [adj.] made in or coming from Benares.

barihisa [nt.] Kusa-grass.

bala [nt.] strength; power; force; an army; military force. || bāla (adj.) young in years; ignorant; foolish. (m.) a child; a fool. bālā (f.) a girl.

balakāya [m.] an army.

balakoṭṭhaka [nt.] a stronghold; fortress.

balakkāra [m.] violence; application of force.

balattha [m.] a soldier; member of an army. || balaṭṭha (m.) a soldier; member of an army.

balada [adj.] strength-giving; bestowal of power.

baladāna [nt.] bestowal of power.

balappatta [adj.] come into power; grown strong.

balamattā [f.] a little strength.

balavantu [adj.] powerful.

balavāhana [nt.] the soldiers and vehicles.

balākayoni [f.] a species of crane.

balākā [f.] a brown crane. || bālaka (m.) a child.

bali [m.] religious offering; revenue; tax. || balī (adj.) powerful; strong.

balikamma : an oblation.

balikā [f.] a girl.

balipaṭiggāhaka [adj.] receiving oblations or revenues.

balipuṭṭha [m.] a crow.

balivadda [m.] an ox.

baliharaṇa [nt.] collecting of taxes.

bavhābādha [adj.] full of sickness.

bahala [adj.] thick; dense.

bahalatta [nt.] thickness.

bahi [ind.] outer; external; outside.

bahigata [adj.] gone outside.

bahijana [m.] outside people.

bahiddhā [ind.] outside; outer.

bahinagara [nt.] the outer city or outside the city.

bahinikkhamana [nt.] going out.

bahu [adj.] much; many; plenty; abundant. (plu.) many persons. || bāhu (m.) the arm.

bahualīkamma [nt.] continuous practice; zealous exercise.

bahuka [adj.] many.

bahukaraṇīya [adj.] having much to do; busy.

bahukāra [adj.] of great service; very useful.

bahukicca [adj.] having much to do; busy.

bahukkhattuṃ [adv.] many times.

bahujana [m.] a mass of people.

bahujāgara [adj.] very wakeful.

bahutara [adj.] much; more.

bahutta [nt.] manifoldness; multiplicity.

bahudhana [adj.] with many riches.

bahudhā [adv.] in many ways.

bahuppada [adj.] many-footed; giving much.

bahubbīhi : the Relative Compound.

bahubhaṇda [adj.] having an abundance of goods.

bahubhāṇī [adj.] one who speaks much.

bahubhāva [m.] abundance.

bahumata [adj.] much esteemed; accepted by many.

bahumāna [m.] respect; esteem; veneration.

bahumānana [nt.] respect; esteem; veneration.

bahumānita [adj.] much esteemed.

bahula [adj.] abundant; frequent.

bahulaṃ [adv.] mostly; frequently.

bahulatā [f.] abundance.

bahulatta [nt.] abundance.

bahulīkata [pp. of bahulīkaroti] took up seriously; increased. (adj.), practised frequently.

bahulīkamma [nt.] continuous practice; zealous exercise.

bahulīkaraṇa [nt.] continuous practice; zealous exercise.

bahulīkari [aor. of bahulīkaroti] took up seriously; increased.

bahulīkaroti [bahula + ī + kar + o] takes up seriously; increases.

bahulīkāra [m.] continuous practice; zealous exercise.

bahullya [nt.] abundance; luxurious living.

bahuvacana [nt.] the plural number.

bahuvidha [adj.] manifold; multiform.

bahuso [adv.] mostly; frequently; repeatedly.

bahussuta [adj.] very learned.

bahūpakāra [adj.] very helpful.

bāṇa [m.] an arrow.

bāṇadhi [m.] a quiver.

bādhaka [adj.] preventing; harassing; obstructing.

bādhakatta [nt.] the fact of being obstructive.

bādhati [bādh + a] hinders; obstructs; afflicts; ensnares.

bādhana [nt.] hindrance; affliction; snaring; catching.

bādhā [f.] hindrance; prevention.

bādhi [aor. of bādhati] hindered; obstructed; afflicted; ensnared.

bādhita [pp. of bādhati] hindered; obstructed; afflicted; ensnared. (pp. of bādheti), oppressed; afflicted; harassed; ensnared; prevented.

bādhitvā [abs. of bādhati] having hindered; having obstructed; having afflicted; having ensnared.

bādheti [badh + e] oppresses; afflicts; harasses; ensnares; prevents.

bādhetvā [abs. of bādheti] having harrassed; having ensnared.

bādhenta [pr.p. of bādheti] oppressing; afflicting.

bādhesi [aor. of bādheti] oppressed; afflicted; harassed; ensnared; prevented.

bārasa [adj.] twelve.

bārāṇasī [f.] the city of Benares.

bārāṇasīṇaseyyaka [adj.] made in or coming from Benares.

bālatā [f.] foolishness.

bālisika [m.] a fisherman.

bālya [nt.] childhood; folly.

bāḷha [adj.] strong; much; excessive.

bāḷhaṃ [adv.] strongly; excessively; very much.

bāvīsati [f.] twenty-two.

bāhā [f.] the arm; a post; a handle.

bāhābala [nt.] power of the arm, i.e. manual labour.

bāhita [pp. of bāheti] kept away; warded off; removed.

bāhira [adj.] external; outer; foreign. (nt.), outside.

bāhiraka [adj.] of another faith; outsider.

bāhirakapabbajjā [f.] the ascetic life other than that of Buddhist monks.

bāhiratta [nt.] eternality.

bāhujañña [adj.] belonging to the public.

bāhulika [adj.] living in abundance.

bāhulla [nt.] abundance; luxurious living.

bāhullaya [nt.] abundance; luxurious living.

bāhusacca [nt.] great learning.

bāheti [vah + e] keeps away; wards off; removes.

bāhetvā [abs. of bāheti] having kept away; having warded off; having removed.

bāhesi [aor. of bāheti] kept away; warded off; removed.

bidala [nt.] a split pea or bamboo; a lath.

bindu [nt.] a drop; a dot; a trifle.

bindumatta [adj.] as much as a drop.

bindumattaṃ [adv.] only a drop.

bimba [nt.] an image; figure; the disk (of the sun or moon). || bimbā (f.) name of the Prince Siddharth’s wife.

bimbikā [f.] the creeper brayonia grandis, which produces red oval fruits.

bimbī [f.] the creeper brayonia grandis, which produces red oval fruits.

bila [nt.] a den; a hole; a portion.

bilaṅga [m.] vinegar.

bilaṅgathālikā [f.] a kind of torture.

bilaso [adv.] in portions or heaps.

billa [m.] the marmelos tree.

biḷāra [m.] a cat.

biḷārabhastā [f.] the bellows.

biḷālī [f.] a she cat; a kind of bulbous plant.

bīja [nt.] seed; germ; generating element.

bījakosa [m.] the capsule or seed vessel of flowers; the scrotum.

bījagāma [m.] seed-kingdom.

bījajāta [nt.] species of seed.

bījabīja [nt.] plants propagated by seeds.

bībhacca [adj.] awful; horrible.

bīraṇa [nt.] the grass andropogon muricatus, which produces fragrant roots.

bīraṇatthambha [m.] a bush of the above said grass.

bujjhati [budh + ya] knows; understands; perceives; is awake.

bujjhana [nt.] awakening; attaining knowledge.

bujjhanaka [adj.] intelligent; prudent.

bujjhanta [pr.p. of bujjhati] knowing; understanding.

bujjhamāna [pr.p. of bhujjhati] perceiving.

bujjhi [aor. of bujjhati] knew; understood; perceived.

bujjhitu [m.] one who awakes or becomes enlightened.

bujjhitvā [abs. of bujjhati] having known; having understood; having perceived.

buḍḍhatara [adj.] older.

buddha [pp. of bujjhati] known; understood; perceived. (m.), one who has attained enlightenment; the Enlightened One. || buḍḍha (adj.) aged; old.

buddhañāṇa [nt.] the boundless knowledge.

buddhakārakadhamma [m.] the practices bringing about Buddhahood.

buddhakāla [m.] the time when a Buddha appears.

buddhakolāhala [m.] the announcement about coming of a Buddha.

buddhakkhetta [nt.] the sphere where a Buddha’s power exists.

buddhaguṇa [m.] virtues of a Buddha.

buddhaṅkura [m.] one who is destined to be a Buddha.

buddhacakkhu [nt.] the faculty of complete intuition.

buddhatta [nt.] the state of a Buddha.

buddhantara [nt.] the interval between the appearance of one Buddha and next.

buddhaputta [m.] a disciple of a Buddha.

buddhabala [nt.] the force of a Buddha.

buddhabhāva [m.] the Buddhahood.

buddhabhūta [pp.] become enlightened.

buddhabhūmi [f.] the ground of Buddhahood.

buddhamāmaka [adj.] devoted or attached to the Buddha.

buddharaṃsi [f.] rays from the person of the Buddha.

buddharasmi [f.] rays from the person of the Buddha.

buddhalīḷhā [f.] grace of a Buddha.

buddhavacana [nt.] the teaching of the Buddha.

buddhavisaya [m.] the scope of a Buddha.

buddhaveneyya [adj.] to be converted by a Buddha.

buddhasāsana [nt.] the teaching of the Buddha.

buddhānubhāva [m.] the majestic power of the Buddha.

buddhānussati [(buddha + anussati), f.] mindfulness upon the Buddha’s virtues.

buddhārammaṇa [adj.] having its foundation in the Buddha.

buddhālambana [adj.] having its foundation in the Buddha.

buddhi [f.] a wisdom; intelligence.

buddhimantu [adj.] wise; intelligent.

buddhisampanna [adj.] wise; intelligent.

buddhopaṭṭhāka [(buddha + upaṭṭhāka) adj.] attending the Buddha.

buddhoppāda [(buddha + uppāda) m.] the age in which a Buddha is born.

budha [m.] a wise man; the planet mercury.

budhavāra [m.] Wednesday.

bubbula [nt.] a bubble.

bubbulaka [nt.] a bubble.

bubhukkhati [bhuj + kha; bhu is doubled, the first bh is changed to b and j to k] wishes to eat.

bubhukkhi [aor. of bubhukkhati] wished to eat.

bubhukkhita [pp. of bubhukkhati] wished to eat.

beluva [m.] the tree Aegle Marmelos.

beluvapakka [nt.] a ripe fruit of Marmelos.

beluvalaṭṭhi [f.] a young Marmelos tree.

beluvasalāṭuka [nt.] unripe fruit of Marmelos.

bojjhaṅga [nt.] a factor of knowledge or wisdom.

bodha [m.] enlightenment; knowledge.

bodhana [nt.] enlightenment; knowledge.

bodhanīya [adj.] capable of being enlightened.

bodhaneyya [adj.] capable of being enlightened.

bodhi [f.] supreme knowledge; the tree of wisdom.

bodhiṅgaṇa [(bodhi + aṅgaṇa) nt.] the courtyard in which a Bo-tree stands.

bodhita [pp. of bodheti] awakened; enlightened.

bodhipakkhika [adj.] belonging to enlightenment.

bodhipakkhiya [adj.] belonging to enlightenment.

bodhipādapa [m.] the Bo-tree; the Ficus Religiosia.

bodhipūjā [f.] offerings to a Bo-tree.

bodhimaṇḍa [m.] the ground under the Bo-tree, where the Buddha sat at the time of His enlightenment.

bodhimaha [m.] offerings to a Bo-tree.

bodhimūla [nt.] the foot of the Bo-tree.

bodhirukkha [m.] the Bo-tree; the Ficus Religiosia.

bodheti [budh + e] awakens; enlightens.

bodhetu [m.] one who awakens or enlightens.

bodhetvā [abs. of bodheti] having awakened; having enlightened.

bodhenta [pr.p. of bodheti] awakening.

bodhesi [aor. of bodheti] awakened; enlightened.

bondi [m.] the body.

byañjana [nt.] a syllable; a consonant; a sign or mark; curry.

byaggha [m.] a tiger.

byāpāda [m.] malevolence.

byāma [m.] a fathom.

byāmappabhā [f.] the halo extending around the Buddha.

byūha [m.] an array of troops; a mass or collection.

bravitu [v.] let him say.

brahanta [adj.] vast; lofty; gigantic; immense. (in cpds. it takes the form brahā, just like mahā from mahanta).

brahma [m.] the Brahma; the Creator.

brahmañña [nt.] brahmanhood; pure life.

brahmaññatā [f.] brahmanhood; pure life.

brahmakāyika [adj.] belonging to the company of Brahmas.

brahmaghosa [adj.] having a sound similar to that of Brahma.

brahmacariyā [f.] religious life; complete chastity.

brahmacārī : leading a chaste life.

brahmajacca [adj.] belonging to the brahman caste.

brahmaṇakaññā [f.; adj.] Brahman maiden.

brahmadaṇḍa [m.] a (kind of) punishment by stopping all conversation and communication with one.

brahmadeyya [nt.] a royal gift.

brahmappatta [adj.] arrived at the highest state.

brahmabandhu [m.] a relative of the brahma, i.e. a brahman.

brahmabhūta [adj.] most excellent.

brahmaloka [m.] the brahma world.

brahmalokūpaga [adj.] taking birth in the Brahma-world.

brahmavimāna [nt.] mansion of a brahma god.

brahmavihāra [m.] divine state of mind; a name collectively given to mettā, karuṇā, muditā, and upekkhā.

brāhmaṇa [m.] a man of the Brahman caste.

brāhmaṇavācanaka [nt.] recitation of Vedas by brahmans.

brāhmaṇavāṭaka [m.] a place where brahmans assemble.

bruvanta [pr.p. of brūti] saying; speaking.

bruvitvā [abs. of brūti] having sayed; having spoken.

brūti [brū + e] says; speaks.

brūhana [nt.] development; increment.

brūhita [pp. of brūheti] increased; developed.

brūheti [bruk + e] increases; develops.

brūhetu [m.] one who increase.

brūhetvā [abs. of brūheti] having increased; having developed.

brūhenta [pr.p. of brūheti] increasing; developing.

brūhesi [aor. of brūheti] increased; developed.