
Từ Điển Thuật Ngữ Phật Học Hán Ngữ

The three dhāraṇī, which DICT_ENTRY_WORD from dhāra, ” maintaining,” ”preserving,” is defined as the power maintaining wisdom or knowledge. Dhāraṇī are ”spells chiefly for personal use” (Eliot), as compared with mantra, which are associated with religious services. The Tiantai School interprets the “three dhāraṇī” of the Lotus Sutra on the lines of the三諦, i.e. 空, 假and中. Another group is聞持陀羅尼 the power to retain all the teaching one hears; 分別陀羅尼 unerring powers of discrimination; 入音聲陀羅尼 power to rise superior to external praise or blame.