
Từ Điển Thuật Ngữ Phật Học Hán Ngữ

阿濕縛窶抄Aśvaghoṣa, the famous writer, whose patron was the Indo-Scythian king Kaniṣka q. v., was a Brahmin converted to Buddhism; he finally settled at Benares, and became the twelfth patriarch. His name is attached to ten works (v. Hōbōgirin 192, 201, 726, 727, 846, 1643, 1666, 1667, 1669, 1687). The two which have exerted great influence on Buddhism are 佛所行讚經 Buddhacarita-kāvya Sutra, tr. by Dharmarakṣa A. D. 414-421, tr. into English by Beal, S.B.E.; and 大乘起信論 Mahāyāna śraddhotpāda-śāstra, tr. by Paramārtha, A.D.554, and by Śikṣānanda, A. D. 695-700, tr. into English by Teitaro Suzuki 1900, and also by T. Richard, v. 起. He gave to Buddhism the philosophical basis for its Mahāyāna development. There are at least six others who bear this name. Other forms: 馬鳴; 阿濕縛窶抄馬鳴比丘; 馬鳴大士; 馬鳴菩薩, etc.