
Từ Điển Thuật Ngữ Phật Học Hán Ngữ

Jambudvīpa. Name of the southern of the four great continents, said to be of triangular shape, and to be called after the shape of the leaf of an immense Jambu-tree on Mount Meru, or after fine gold that is found below the tree. It is divided into four parts: south of the Himālayas by the lord of elephants, because of their number; north by the lord of horses; west by the lord of jewels; east by the lord of men. This seems to imply a region larger than India, and Eitel includes in Jambudvīpa the following countries around the Anavatapta lake and the Himālayas. North: Huns, Uigurs, Turks. East: China, Corea, Japan, and some islands. South: Northern India with twenty-seven kingdoms, Eastern India ten kingdoms, Southern India fifteen kingdoms, Central India thirty kingdoms. West: Thirty-four kingdoms.