
Từ Điển Thuật Ngữ Phật Học Hán Ngữ

Two divisions of wrong-doing, one called the 五篇 five pian, the other the six and seven ju. The five pian are: (1) pārājika, v. 波, sins demanding expulsion from the order; (2) saṅghāvaśeṣa, v. 僧, sins verging on expulsion, which demand confession before and absolution by the assembly; (3) ? prāyaścitta, v. 波逸, sins deserving hell which may be forgiven; (4) pratideśanīya, v. 波羅 and 提舍, sins which must be confessed; (5) duṣkṛta, v. 突, light sins, errors, or faults. The six ju are the five above with sthūlātyaya, v. 偸, associated with the third, implying thought not developed in action. The seven ju are the above with the division of the fifth into two, action and speech. There are further divisions of eight and nine.