
Từ Điển Thuật Ngữ Phật Học Hán Ngữ

私陀; 悉陀; 徒多; 枲多 Sītā. Described as the ‘cold’ river; one of the four great rivers flowing from the Anavatpta or Anavadata Lake 阿耨達池 in Tibet. One account makes it ‘an eastern outflux’ which subsequently becomes the Yellow River. It is also said to issue from the west. Again, ‘the Ganges flows eastward, the Indus south, Vatsch (Oxus) west, Sītā north.’ Vatsch = Vākṣu. ‘According to Xuanzang, however, it is the northern outflux of the Sirikol [Sarikkol] Lake (Lat. 38°20′N., Long. 74°E.) now called Yarkand daria, which flows into Lake Lop, thence underneath the desert of Gobi, and reappears as the source of the Huanghe.’ Eitel. According to Richard, the Huanghe ‘rises a little above two neighbouring lakes of Khchara (Charingnor) and Khnora (Oring-nor). Both are connected by a channel and are situated at an elevation of 14,000 feet. It may perhaps be at first confounded with Djaghing-gol, a river 110 miles long, which flows from the south and empties into the channel joining the two lakes’.