
Từ Điển Thuật Ngữ Phật Học Hán Ngữ

The five fruits of karma; pañcaphalāni, or effects produced by one or more of the six hetus or causes. They are as follows: (1) 異熟果 vipāka-phala, heterogeneous effect produced by heterogeneous cause. (2) 等流果 niṣyanda-phala, uniformly continuous effect. (3) 士用果 puruṣakāra-phala, simultaneous effect produced by the sahabhū-hetu and the saṃprayukta-hetu; v. 六因. (4) 增上果 adhipati-phala, aggregate effect produced by the karma-hetu. (5) 離繫果 visaṃyoga-phala, emancipated effect produced by, the six causes.