
Từ Điển Thuật Ngữ Phật Học Hán Ngữ

śramaṇa. 桑門; 娑門; 喪門; 沙門那; 舍羅磨拏; 沙迦懣曩; 室摩那拏 (1) Ascetics of all kinds; ‘the Sarmanai, or Samanaioi, or Germanai of the Greeks, perhaps identical also with the Tungusian Saman or Shaman.’ Eitel. (2) Buddhist monks ‘who ‘have left their families and quitted the passions’, the Semnoi of the Greeks’. Eitel. Explained by 功勞 toilful achievement, 勤息 diligent quieting (of the mind and the passions), 淨志 purity of mind, 貧道 poverty. ‘He must keep well the Truth, guard well every uprising (of desire), be uncontaminated by outward attractions, be merciful to all and impure to none, be not elated to joy nor harrowed by distress, and able to bear whatever may come.’ The Sanskrit root is śram, to make effort; exert oneself, do austerities.